
Steve Kuykendall - Director
Steve holds a Bachelor of Sacred Music degree from Central Michigan University and a Master's in Vocal Performance, Choral Conducting, and Vocal and Choral Pedagogy from Boise State. He has extensive collegiate and community experience in choral and orchestral conducting, keyboard performance, accompanying, band, marching band, wind ensemble, brass ensemble, and orchestra. Steve is currently a member of Critical Mass Chamber Ensemble, Opera Idaho, and is the founder and director of Eagle Song. He is also the owner and primary instructor for Eagle Rock Music Studios. Steve enjoys traveling, hiking, camping, and playing board games with his family.

AJ Wheeler - President
Andrew is a founding member of Eagle Song and the president of its council. Though he spent most of his academic time studying to play drums and piano, AJ was shown by Steve Kuykendall that he had an unexplored talent for singing and has been growing that talent since the inception of this group. He earned his Bachelor's degree in music in 2012 and has been devoted to learning ever since. AJ believes firmly that excellence is necessary and worth pursuing, in any position he holds. Whether in his family, business, service, or Eagle Song, he is devoted to being the best example possible. "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not to men." Colossians 3:23.

Nathaniel Engberg - Vice President
Nate grew up in Lafayette, Oregon where he started singing in church choir at a young age. His parents instilled a love of music in him by encouraging musical abilities throughout his life. He received his Bachelor's degree from NNU in Music Composition and Voice in 2015 and is currently working toward a career in composing, arranging, and performing music. After spending a year in Oregon as a youth pastor, Nate married the love of his life, Danielle, and settled in the Treasure Valley. Outside of music, he loves all things aquatic - from boogie boarding to swimming to fishing. Most of all, Nate loves Jesus and wants everyone to know there's room in God's family for them too. John 1:12

Michelle Kuykendall - Treasurer
Michelle is a founding member of Eagle Song, serves on the council, and has been married to director Steve Kuykendall for 36 years. They have three married daughters, four grandchildren, and two golden retrievers. Music has always been a part of her life. Her love of ensemble and choral music began in high school when her choir teacher put her in Madrigals, instead of jazz choir. Michelle has been singing in choirs ever since. When she's not singing, Michelle is listening to her favorite styles of music, including soft rock, Bluegrass, and the great symphonic pieces of the church.

Catherine Becker - Secretary
Cathy has been a member of Eagle Song since its founding in 2011. She has been in choirs since childhood, often singing solos in church productions. While in high school, Cathy participated in a number of theatrical and musical productions, including The Crucible, The Princess Bride, and The Diary of Anne Frank. She was a member of Crusader Choir while attending NNU, where she earned a B.A. in English in 2009. Cathy holds an M.A. in English Lit from Mercy College and a PhD in English from Idaho State University. In her spare time, Cathy loves running, hiking, watching sports, sharing coffee with friends, and spending time with her husband and son.
Jeff Sater - Member at Large
Elizabeth Sater - Member at Large